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Unexpected Impacts on Oral Health

Every day you make important decisions regarding your health, regardless of whether you are aware or not. The foods you eat, your stress levels, the exercise you do (or do not do!) even the amount and quality of sleep you get are all factors that impact your overall health and general well-being. These things also

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Brushing Your Child’s Teeth

Keeping those little pearly whites in good condition is a parent’s job until the child is able to correctly manage the task. When that first tooth erupts, the job begins. Even before then, caring for your newborn’s gums is important to keep them healthy. The saliva in the mouth helps clean harmful bacteria away and

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Keeping Your Holiday Smile Healthy

And so it begins, the festive holiday season with ultra-busy schedules, cookies, pies, cakes and other delicious treats that are only offered during this time of year. For many families, this year is made even more special. Last year most families celebrated in isolation. Parties, festivities and large family gatherings were discouraged due to the

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Giving Thanks for Healthy Smiles

Keeping the smiles in your family healthy is one of the best things you can do for your family members. From the smallest tot with that first tooth, to grandparents who may need dentures, a healthy smile contributes to overall health in many ways. Dental care is important at every stage of life. Even people

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